Extract ALL QUESTIONS from Google SERP and get a ton of ideas

Samuel Schmitt

When looking for content ideas or doing keyword research for your SEO Copywriting, you know how important it is to find out the most popular questions on a topic.

With thruuu, a free SERP Analyser, you will get a ton of questions ideas in one click. 

The free SEO tool will

Run a SERP analysis and find questions people ask

The first step is to create an account with thruuu, a free SERP Analyser tool.

Once you are logged in, hit the scrape button and start your first SERP analysis.

Select your keywords, country and other parameters matching with your targeted SERP.

If you want to have many questions idea, I recommend picking 100 or results to scrape.

Then once the analysis is done, visit the Questions tab.

Run a SERP analysis and find questions people ask

Extract of the People Also Asked box

The first information displayed is coming from the People Also Asked (PAA) box.

This information is related to the user’s search query and is generated by Google. It is On SERP information. 

You can copy them to your clipboard and add them to your content brief.

Extract of the People Also Asked box

Most frequent questions from pages headlines

The following information box displays the most common questions used in the headlines of the page. 

The tool analyses every search result and extracts the information found in the HTML tags H1, H2, H3…

Then it is grouping the most common questions. You can understand what the articles are speaking about and what are the most common questions they answer. 

You can as well copy this information to your clipboard and share it with your content writers.

Most frequent questions from pages headlines

Analyse blog comments and find a content gap

When an article or blog post has a comment section and contains questions from the visitors, thruuu extracts all the questions and displays them. 

The questions found in a blog section can help you to identify a content gap. Indeed when someone asks a question, it means that the information is missing on the page. 

Use this information wisely to craft your next piece of content.

Analyse blog comments and find a content gap

Get all the FAQ Schema on the SERP

Do you know what a FAQ Schema is? Google displays from time to time a list of questions and answers below a search result. 

This information is created by the website owner and is available inside a meta tag on the page. 

With thruuu, you can extract all the FAQ schema – even those not displayed on the SERP. Indeed, thruuu is visiting every single page and getting this information just for you.

Get all the FAQ Schema on the SERP

Get started with thruuu and get a ton of questions ideas for your SEO 

With thruuu, you will save a lot of time analyzing the SERP and get better SEO results by crafting the perfect content.
Don’t miss this opportunity.