Discover H2 and H3 tags from the top 100 search results

Samuel Schmitt

To craft the perfect content, it is critical to analyze your competitors and how they structure their copy.

What if you could have a tool to explore headings from the top 100 results in Google and find unique patterns?

Please welcome thruuu Headings Explorer.

The SERP tool offers a user-friendly view to navigate and explore the most common headings found in the SERP.

Use this to understand popular topics and refine your content ideas.

Overview of the Headings Explorer

The Headings Explorer extracts every H2 and H3 from the results of Google Search and groups similar headings together. 

This tool helps you easily explore the most frequent headings, questions, and topics your competitors discuss on the SERP.

The tool offers two main reports.

Headings Insights

This report provides insights into which headings are prominent across different search result positions.

You can see the distribution of the most frequent headings for the range:

Per range, you find the top 5 headings and how many times the page uses them within this range.

Distribution of the most frequent headings

Explore Headings

This report lets you dive into the search results’ top H2 & H3 tags. 

The view displays each group of headings and the percentage of results from the current selection using this heading.

group of headings

By clicking on the info icon, you can display all the similar headings within a group.

similar headings

The filter offers several options:

Filter headings

How to make the most of the Heading Explorer?

There are different ways to leverage this feature.

Find out the most important headings

Display the headings that are used the most by results on the SERP.

This indicates the topic you should include in your copy to follow the consensus.

Find less frequent topics

Display headings that are not used often by the SERP results.

This can help you develop a unique angle or a section that few pages speak about.

Find the bottom of the SERP topics

It often happens that pages after position 50 share great ideas.

They are pushed to the first pages of Google for technical reasons or due to a lack of authority.

Explore these ideas and bring them into your content.

How to use the Heading Explorer?

The heading explorer is available within the SERP analysis tool of thruuu and is only available to subscribers.

Once you run a SERP analysis, visit the “Headings” tab and hit “Generate Heading Analysis“.

It will take a couple of minutes until the report is done. In the meantime, you can browse the other SERP reports.

How to use the heading explorer

Start Exploring the SERP

With thruuu, you will save a lot of time analyzing the SERP and get better SEO results by crafting the perfect content.
Don’t miss this opportunity.